- JanDanielshaec RT @MentalEclectic Please share and tweet this: (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films for an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening!ummm ...
- GoKustom #IFFF #indieMM #seattlefilm From our new film Rat Rod Rockers!D.A. Sebasstian – Rat Rod Rockers! (Theme Basic) ♫ http://blip.fm/~ea6vh
- indigochameleon RT @MentalEclectic: Pls Rt: In need of Horror Films for an #indieMM film festival. DM me.
- seattle98122 RB @GoKustom: "#IFFF #indieMM #seattlefilm #cultfilm KsK (Kill Switch...Klick) – Hot Rod Girls Save The World... ♫ http://blip.fm/~ea3y9
- GoKustom #IFFF #indieMM #seattlefilm #cultfilm KsK (Kill Switch...Klick) – Hot Rod Girls Save The World Theme ♫ http://blip.fm/~ea3p0
- GoKustom #IFFF #indieMM #seattlefilm More coffee. Trying to set up schedules for Octobers shooting of Rat Rod Rockers! http://www.ratrodrockers.com
- SpeakeasyTiger RT @MentalEclectic: Pls Rt: In need of Horror Films for an #indieMM film festival. DM me.
- damiancalvo RT via @Jason_Pollock #AMAZING NEW REVIEW OF JASON POLLOCK FILM "THE YOUNGEST CANDIDATE" = http://bit.ly/PickupTYC #TYC #indieMM #IFFF
- damiancalvo RT Filmmakers: Build community by following everyone at #IFFF, #IndieMM & #IFPFilmweek via @EitherorFilms
- MireilleM RT @GoKustom We also use #seattlefilm 'round these here parts. add #seattlefilm to -> #IFFF, #IndieMM & #IFPFilmweek
- GoKustom #IFFF #seattlefilm #indieMM My last one was the http://www.hotrodmonstersfilmfest.com Went OK.
- GoKustom #IFFF #seattlefilm #indieMM I may do another Fiilm Festival in Seattle. What do you think? Not just Hot Rods & Monsters this time.
- GoKustom RT @norestrictions RT @EitherOrFilms Filmmakers: Build community by following everyone at #IFFF, #IndieMM & #IFPFilmweek (via @MireilleM)
- norestrictions RT @EitherOrFilms Filmmakers: Build community by following everyone at #IFFF, #IndieMM & #IFPFilmweek (via @MireilleM) will do!
- MireilleM RT @EitherOrFilms Filmmakers: Build community by following everyone at #IFFF, #IndieMM & #IFPFilmweek
- EitherOrFilms Filmmakers: Build community by following everyone at #IFFF, #IndieMM & #IFPFilmweek
- derAlekx Yeah, go for it! RT @filmtiki: special thx to @derAlekx and @MentalEclectic - hope we can bring #indieMM to #austria soon
- GoKustom Rat Rod Rockers! new hot rod cult film in production. #kustom #seattlefilm #indieMM #cultfilm
- filmtiki special thx to @derAlekx and @MentalEclectic - hope we can bring #indieMM to #austria soon
- MovieMistress RT @DarkSideofFilm Please share and tweet this: (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films for an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening!
- DarkSideofFilm Please share and tweet this: (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films for an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening!
- FlashYourShorts I'm officially back in town now, I'll be able to provide more updates for www.FlashYourShorts.com this weekend! #indieMM #webserieswed #fys
- GoKustom #indieMM Unedited scenes from Rat Rod Rockers! http://bit.ly/HP8in
- Spazsquatch Please share and tweet this: (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films for an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening! (via @MentalEclectic)
- ClosetDelights @rameshkula Just up your alley! RT (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films for an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening!
- Bluesky107 ClosetDelights RT @MentalEclectic Pls share & tweet this: (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films 4 an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening!
- lmcnelly RT @MentalEclectic: Hey #filmmakers I am looking for some GOOD Non Distributed #Indie #Films for an #IndieMM Halloween Film Screening!
- ClosetDelights RT @MentalEclectic Please share and tweet this: (via @MentalEclectic) We need horror films for an #indieMM Halloween Film Screening!
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM #cultfilm #indiefilm #kustomkulture #psychobilly a few I use.
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM From the #cultfilm Hot Rod Girls Save The World: The Flathand 5 - Middle Man ♫ http://blip.fm/~e69x0
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM From the #cultfilm Hot Rod Girls Save The World: Faith & Disease - Old Dusk dakota ♫ http://blip.fm/~e69uv
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM From the #cultfilm Hot Rod Girls Save The World: The Invisible Surfers – Little Angel ♫ http://blip.fm/~e69ph
- moviecritter The Hunt For Gollum. Indie film inspired by LOTR. If you haven't yet, you should watch this http://sn.im/s95b3 #indieMM
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM Uploaded behind the scene pics for Rat Rod Rockers! on the ol' bloggo - http://gokustom.blogspot.com/
- zaffi www.timetoimpact.com and Join the Time To Impact fan page on Facebook http://bit.ly/Fs9Cq (via @ImpactMovie) #indieMM #indie #film
- GoKustom #indieMM So Roman Polanski's in jail? Whats this world coming too? Arrested at a Film Festival...see I told you not to go to those things.
- Paverlayer RT @GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM Rat Rod Rockers! D.A. Sebasstian – Rat Rod Rockers! (Movie Theme Basic) ♫ http://blip.fm/~e2lb9
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM Rat Rod Rockers! D.A. Sebasstian – Rat Rod Rockers! (Movie Theme Basic) ♫ http://blip.fm/~e2lb9
- GoKustom #seattlefilm #indieMM A few stills from last weekends massive shoot for Rat Rod Rockers! http://gokustom.blogspot.com
- hollywoodshorts RT @MentalEclectic Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the first #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- rexsikes RT @CORKY242: RT @FlashYourShorts: http://www.FlashYourShorts.com has a new lineup of films 4 you 2 watch #indieMM #webserieswed
- FlashYourShorts www.FlashYourShorts.com has a new lineup of films for you to watch and sink your teeth into! #indieMM #webserieswed #fys
- moviecritter great indie movie by Kazushi Watanabe: '19' http://snurl.com/s7iwl #indieMM
- moviecritter #indieMM RT @FilmTiki Eugene Hernandez: The Indie Summit: http://bit.ly/KQlE3
- filmtiki @derAlekx definitiv zu knapp. reden wir nächste woche drüber! #IndieMM #Vienna
- derAlekx @FilmTiki gestern auch schon dran gedacht und find's heut immernoch klasse. Mach ma das, aber 08.10. ist knapp oder? #IndieMM #Vienna
- filmtiki @derAlekx Sowas könnten wir schon in Wien machen, oder? Haben wir auch mal angedacht... #IndieMM
- sbspalding Are you an indie filmmaker currently involved in a web series / short film? Send me a link (trailers/websites etc.) #indiemm #filmmakers
- sbspalding Do Not Disturb, a great short film about a serial killer and what he finds in his hotel room http://tinyurl.com/y9wehup #indiemm #filmmakers
- gaylorddingler is it too late to RT this RT? @MentalEclectic RT @workingcfilms #IndieMM @iamkjeld @urbandeathmaze @GaylordDIngler www.workingclassfilms.com
- GroverComplex RT @MentalEclectic San Diego #IndieMM Film Screening and Network Meeting - Eventbrite http://bit.ly/2syMqY
- Fansoffilm it's so awesome to list one of the key indie films to see 2009 "One Hour Fantasy Girl" http://fansoffilm.com/page/drama-1 #indieMM
- Fansoffilm newest featured member Mr. Rice and their indie film "One Hour Fantasy Girl" http://fansoffilm.com/profile/JohnPaulRice #indiemm
- damiancalvo RT Producer Buzz McLaughlin's blog series now "Entering Pre-Production" http://bit.ly/JWZZN (via @filmandcompany @EitherOrFilms) #indieMM
- EitherOrFilms Thank you for RTs (put these all on your #indieMM!) @NHFF @filmandcompany @kittybelle @DLDagerman @derAlekx @MireilleM @WilsonDucher
- damiancalvo @AnneFlournoy Thank you for the present I enjoyed the tension and comedic timing in this episode http://is.gd/3JF3Y #indieMM
- trueactionpics RT @FlashYourShorts: Filmmakers...are you up to the challenge? http://bit.ly/AGVr #indieMM #fys #webserieswed #followfilm
- trueactionpics RT @MentalEclectic: Currently organizing #IndieMM Film Screenings world wide. Including San Diego on October 7th.
- rexsikes thnx RT @indiefilmshow: #indieMM FREE resrce gr8 audo intrvws w pro TV & flmmkers archve 4 u 2 Listn! http://bit.ly/dJkE0
- rexsikes thnx RT @philseneker: RT @rexsikes: #indieMM FREE resrce gr8 audo intrvws w pro TV & flmmkrs arched 4 u 2 Listn! http://bit.ly/dJkE0
- FlashYourShorts Filmmakers...are you up to the challenge? http://bit.ly/AGVr #indieMM #fys #webserieswed #followfilm
- FlashYourShorts RT @MentalEclectic: Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the first #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- GoKustom #musicmonday #indieMM KsK – Hot Rod Girls Save The World Movie Theme ♫ http://blip.fm/~e19yp
- GoKustom #musicmonday #indieMM Kill Switch...Klick – Hemi Charger (Tura Satana Deep Love Mix) ♫ http://blip.fm/~e19dk
- SupSappel RT @Mashouf: #indieMM You still may not have seen my #Iran #film Warring Factions.... If you have, you should buy a DVD http://bit.ly/1vcTsO
- Mashouf #indieMM You still may not have seen my #Iran #film Warring Factions.... If you have, you should buy a DVD http://bit.ly/1vcTsO
- sbspalding Probably the best film about an anthropomorphic shopping cart that I've ever seen. http://bit.ly/Ax1c5 #indiemm #filmmakers
- Fansoffilm @MentalEclectic RT Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the first #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- GoKustom #musicmonday #indieMM from the film Hot Rod Girls Save The WorldKsK – Johnny's House ♫ http://blip.fm/~e10co
- GoKustom #musicmonday #indieMM D.A. Sebasstian – Rat Rod Rockers! (Theme 1) ♫ http://blip.fm/~e0zze
- PretentiousFilm RT @loopmovie: Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- GoKustom #indieMM Get you name in the closing credits of Rat Rod Rockers! http://bit.ly/39JdK7
- GoKustom #indieMM Another great weekend of filming on Rat Rod Rockers! Theater release May 2010? http://www.ratrodrockers.com
- derAlekx RT @EitherOrFilms: RT @MentalEclectic: #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- derAlekx RT @EitherOrFilms: RT @MentalEclectic: #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate? (via @EitherOrFilms & @FilmTiki)
- filmtiki RT @MentalEclectic: Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the first #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- indiefilmshow RT @philseneker: RT @rexsikes: #indieMM FREE resource gr8 audio interviews w pro TV & filmmakers archived 4 u 2 Listen! http://bit.ly/dJkE0
- LadyJE RT @TribecaFilmFest: #IndieMM Coco Before Chanel and Michael Moore's Capitalism both did fantastically this weekend. What did YOU see?
- MireilleM RT @EitherOrFilms @MentalEclectic: Coming Oct 8 in San Diego, Ca 1st #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- philseneker RT @NoRestrictions: #IndieMM Filmmakers, follow @Wreckamovie, "Collaborative filmmaking. Wrecking the Hollywood model."
- philseneker RT @rexsikes: #indieMM FREE resource gr8 audio interviews w pro TV & filmmakers archived 4 u 2 Listen! http://bit.ly/dJkE0
- TribecaFilm #IndieMM Coco Before Chanel and Michael Moore's Capitalism both did fantastically this weekend. What did YOU see?
- TribecaFilmFest #IndieMM Coco Before Chanel and Michael Moore's Capitalism both did fantastically this weekend. What did YOU see?
- thesubstream Appreciating the quirky greats for #IndieMM Check out: Everything's Coming up Rosie http://ow.ly/rsEe
- sbspalding We'll be screening a new round of #webseries and #films for http://ninetythrees.com/screenings/ soon toss me an @ with suggestions #indiemm
- EitherOrFilms RT @MentalEclectic: Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the first #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- WilsonDutcher RT @MentalEclectic @EitherOrFilms RT Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the 1st #IndieMM Film Screening. wht other cities wnt 2 participate?
- marcquigley RT @PretentiousFilm: Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- JeremiahDaws #IndieMM 36 Parables a short film series on modern adaptations by @johnschimke @stewartredwine http://www.36parables.com (via @JaredIsham)
- moviecritter RT @MentalEclectic Coming October 8 in San Diego, Ca the first #IndieMM Film Screening. What other cities want to participate?
- sbspalding Illegal is a pretty kick butt indie revenge thriller http://ninetythrees.com/screenings/illegal/ #indiemm
- WilsonDutcher #indieMM According to filmmaker Potter, this experimental distribution for her new movie http://bit.ly/2l7Fgs (via @FansOfFilm)
- rexsikes RT @NoRestrictions: #IndieMM Filmmakers, follow @Wreckamovie, "Collaborative filmmaking. Wrecking the Hollywood model."
- norestrictions #IndieMM Filmmakers, follow @Wreckamovie, "Collaborative filmmaking. Wrecking the Hollywood model." - and they actually do help each other.
- rexsikes #indieMM FREE resource gr8 audio interviews w pro TV & filmmakers archived 4 u 2 Listen! http://bit.ly/dJkE0
- rexsikes RT @FansOfFilm: #indieMM According to filmmaker Potter, this experimental distribution for her new movie http://bit.ly/2l7Fgs
- norestrictions #IndieMM Brian McGuire @rofrantic who starred in the critically acclaimed indie IN SEARCH OF A MIDNIGHT KISS http://bit.ly/3yLQFf @IMDB
- rexsikes RT @philseneker: RT @FansOfFilm: @TedHope #RT #IndieMM AFTERSCHL inspird r scrning seris. Opns NYC 10/2 CinemaVlg http://tinyurl.com/lhs4oy
- philseneker RT @PretentiousFilm: Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- philseneker RT @FansOfFilm: @TedHope #RT #IndieMM AFTERSCHOOL inspired our screening series. Opens in NYC 10/2 CinemaVlg http://tinyurl.com/lhs4oy
- Mashouf #indiemm I saw The Horse Boy trailer last week. Looks like an amazingly shot film and incredible story http://bit.ly/zUFgs
- DoubleEdgeFilms RT @grking: RT @loopmovie: Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- grking RT @loopmovie: Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- PretentiousFilm Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- norestrictions RT: @FansOfFilm @TedHope #IndieMM AFTERSCHOOL inspired our screening series. Opens in NYC 10/2: http://tinyurl.com/lhs4oy from @IFCFilms
- Fansoffilm @TedHope #RT #IndieMM AFTERSCHOOL inspired our screening series. Opens in NYC 10/2 CinemaVlg http://tinyurl.com/lhs4oy
- JaredIsham #IndieMM 36 Parables a short film series on modern adaptations by @johnschimke @stewartredwine http://www.36parables.com
- Fansoffilm #indieMM According to filmmaker Potter, this experimental distribution for her new movie http://bit.ly/2l7Fgs
- ryanbalas Looking for #post sound mixer on this beautiful #indiemm
- zaffi #IndieMM A short music video I did for NIN Ghosts film group http://bit.ly/MrMkV Enjoy!
- PretentiousFilm RT @loopmovie: Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- PretentiousFilm Why should Film Lovers attend the 2009 Flyway Film Festival? http://bit.ly/TxcMA #IndieMM
- PretentiousFilm The Ultimate International Zombie Summit Info Page! http://bit.ly/EFHBp #IndieMM Part of @FlywayFilmFest
- zaffi #IndieMM AFTERSCHOOL Opens in NYC 10/2 CinemaVlg http://bit.ly/15Qwqb (via @TedHope)My buddy Jody Lee Lipes shot it, cinematography is amzng
- TedHope #IndieMM AFTERSCHOOL inspired our screening series. Opens in NYC 10/2 CinemaVlg http://www.apple.com/trailers/independent/afterschool/
- eumagine RT @FilmTiki Route 66 Open Source Film from Germany: http://bit.ly/Q6gqq #indieMM
- filmtiki Route 66 Open Source Film from Germany: http://bit.ly/Q6gqq #indieMM
- filmtiki Check out the UK shortfilm Mistaken ID: http://bit.ly/2Zk29y Also read about it on FilmTiki: http://bit.ly/oDLGY #IndieMM (@indieMM)
- filmtiki #skillset trains the UK creative media industries: http://www.skillset.org/ #indieMM (@indieMM)
- mkaigwa RT @CORKY242: RT @FilmTiki: Thx to @eumagine for supporting the indie film movement! #indieMM (@indieMM)
- filmtiki Thx to @eumagine for supporting the indie film movement! #indieMM (@indieMM)
Monday, October 5, 2009
#indiMM Results from the week of 9/28-10/4/2009
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