- p_chaves @MentalEclectic @p_chaves Pls RT Have you checked out @eguiders for #webserieswed? Here is @TheGuild on the site. http://bit.ly/GriVo
- rhysthekraken RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- seamusmcfly Steele/McFly World Tour at http://www.steelemcfly.com/. Slightly belated #webserieswed
- Krissie678 Quick before it's not Wednesday anymore. #webserieswed http://www.watchtheguild.com/ & http://riesetheseries.com/ Check them out!
- TFEB 664 - THE NEIGHBOR OF THE BEAST. A couple accidentally buys a home next to Satan. http://www.lazyhorde.com/?page_id=180 #webserieswed
- kirstinbutler @sbspalding #webserieswed is my new favorite too! @MentalEclectic thanks for introducing us to a new Twitter tradition :)
- gamgie @theguild - Love #webserieswed idea! Pls consider @variants (www.thevariants.com). Scripted comedy based on a comic shop. Ep 2 new today!
- KellyParks Have I ever told you about The Crusader? You can see it here: http://tinyurl.com/nutec8 #webserieswed
- malusman #webserieswed @legendofneil if you've ever played Zelda, hell if you've ever looked at a Nintendo, check it out! http://bit.ly/LegendNeil
- DangerShoes Also #webserieswed For the gamers online and old school Pen&paper.. GoldTheSeries http://goldtheseries.com & @theguild http://bit.ly/Y1uQ4
- malusman #webserieswed @legendofneil if you've ever played Zelda, hell if you've ever looked at a Nintendo, check it out! http://www.effinfunny.c ...
- MYMHM I agree!RT @MentalEclectic: On this #webserieswed I recommend this webseries blog by @dangershoes http://bit.ly/2gWlEK
- KristynBurtt I second that! RT @MentalEclectic On this #webserieswed I recommend this webseries blog by @dangershoes http://bit.ly/2gWlEK
- devKnight RT @oupatel @dormlife is awesome #webserieswed
- PurseDogTV Congratulations! RT @DanHumford: Coma, Period. is ALIVE! Watch episodes NOW at www.comaperiod.com #fb (via @Madeoflead) #webserieswed
- ParaabnormalTV #webserieswed -- Ghost Hunters meets Reno 911 watch the first 4 webisodes at www.paraabnormal.tv
- jetwardy OMG! I finally just watched the first epi of 'The Guild' season 3 with @feliciaday and @wilw. Brilliant. I am stoked for more. #webserieswed
- ryanbalas @MentalEclectic hope I didn't miss out too much on #webserieswed ! Was busy working on new @reallycoolshow dvd for fall release!!!
- FlashYourShorts Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed
- LukeZwan Snack break and #webserieswed http://www.thevariants.com/ || Comic book store sitcom from @zeuscomics @varients :-D
- gismotigga #webserieswed @bjfletcherpi http://is.gd/2OrYA @anyonebutme http://is.gd/2OrZf @seekingsimone http://is.gd/2Os0h
- theonetruebix I'm just going to pimp @afterjudgment every #webserieswed until all my followers watch it.
- PurseDogTV Cool! RT @TheWebFiles Episode 9 with @MYMHM is a "HOT Episode" on the front pg of @bliptv. We love them. http://bit.ly/FRAgH #webserieswed
- ben_b55 @sandeepparikh Also @bumpsinthenight, a ghost hunter spoof also created by @emmettfurey #webserieswed
- 77photo RT @MentalEclectic Today is #webserieswed -- so share your fave text, video, or audio webseries so we can find new favorites of our own.
- ben_b55 @sandeepparikh Here's another for #webserieswed @furyofsolace which combines videos and comics w an ARG here on Twitter
- chrissista Now that I know that there's a #webserieswed I have to mention @aspiringseries and remember to check out the rest when I get home.
- Wolfsoki #webserieswed that I enjoy @theguild @legendofneil @thecrew
- MentalEclectic @aplusk Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- amyaustin @sandeepparikh #webserieswed http://www.thevariants.com/ Episode two is out, and it's great!
- rochelledancel Alright, #webserieswed here's 3 for you @bjfletcherpi http://is.gd/2OrYA @anyonebutme http://is.gd/2OrZf @seekingsimone http://is.gd/2Os0h
- MentalEclectic RT @sandeepparikh love this #webserieswed concept @legendofneil @theguild @drtiki @drhorrible @mediocrefilms but u knw them. watch + wseries
- RoadToTheAltar #webserieswed check out all 10 episodes of Road To The Altar www.youtube.com/roadtothealtar
- FishRockette Ctrl with Tony Hale, it's hilarious and free via iTunes podcast. #Ctrl #webserieswed
- BernNotice #webserieswed -- @compulsions http://www.compulsions.tv and @thecrewtv http://www.thecrew.tv
- DarthAngelus @sandeepparikh How about this? http://chroniclesofhumanity.com/ #webserieswed
- lifeafterlisa @MentalEclectic @TechCrunch Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- mattalexbrown #webserieswed @theguild @legendofneil @drhorrible @mediocrefilms and Chad Vader. But I don't think the show has a twitter account...
- epiguide Today is #webserieswed -- so share your fave text, video, or audio webseries so we can find new favorites of our own. More the merrier.
- falonsade Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld (via @theguild)
- sandeepparikh #webserieswed you should watch everything by @mikerose @fahimanwar, oh the @jacehall show is funny, what else... did i mention @legendofneil
- sandeepparikh love this #webserieswed concept: @legendofneil @theguild @drtiki @drhorrible @mediocrefilms but u knw all these. need 2 watch more wseries!
- zeuscomics @theguild Don't forget about us! http://www.thevariants.com/ Its a scripted video comedy based on a comic shop #webserieswed
- MentalEclectic @TechCrunch Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- epiguide Yay to me for reaching WeSeWriMo goal w/About Schuyler Falls, soapy drama re murder & mayhem. http://bit.ly/21u9zA #webserieswed #webficwed
- epiguide Eppy Featured Site 5: Wonderland, soap re lives/loves of a ski resort-owning family. http://bit.ly/1w3mFr #webserieswed #webficwed
- MsWorldNV RT @theguild: Also, check out Pure Pwnage http://purepwnage.com & its creators @jarettcale @glapaire #webserieswed
- MsWorldNV RT @theguild: Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld
- epiguide Eppy Featured Site #4: Something Inbetween, action-adventure about sorta vampires: http://bit.ly/jDHuT #webserieswed
- Aldenus #webserieswed Check out #MZP @ www.mzp-tv.co.uk
- epiguide Eppy featured site #3: Scripts & Scruples, audio soap in tradition of oldtime radio shows: http://bit.ly/QsgXu #webserieswed
- MentalEclectic RT @sbspalding: #webserieswed is my new favorite thing on Twitter. Thank you @MentalEclectic and @kirstinbutler (by proxy)
- shandromand RT @theguild: Some recommendations for #webserieswed @MediocreFilms @ask2hotgirls @legendofneil follow them and check out their stuff!
- t_kreuter #webserieswed commodoreHustle! A web series about making a comedy website, and all the shenanigans therein www.commodorehustle.com
- sbspalding #webserieswed is my new favorite thing on Twitter. Thank you @MentalEclectic and @kirstinbutler (by proxy)
- LazyHorde 664 - THE NEIGHBOR OF THE BEAST. A couple accidentally buys a home next to Satan. Hilarity does ensue. http://bit.ly/3v7jee #webserieswed
- Regi_S Awesome RT @theguild Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld
- AmroSalama #WebSeriesWed http://www.weedshop.tv Get caught up on the first four short episodes!!
- lilind #webserieswed My favorite web series: @theguild @legendofneil @variants @RLwMP
- MentalEclectic RT @WSfanboy: getting all kinds of new people to follow thanks to #webserieswed !
- nikkixbee Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld (via @theguild)
- Groonk why?? RT @theguild Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld
- WSfanboy getting all kinds of new people to follow thanks to #webserieswed !
- stingray69 Zombie comedy reality series @iamnotinfected.com / http://tinyurl.com/nbqnjl #webserieswed
- stephentevans Check out my web series Moxie Spendlove! www.moxiespendlove.com #webserieswed
- twofivethreetwo RT @theguild: Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld
- KristynBurtt And my personal pick for #WebSeriesWed: Coma, Period by @madeoflead launching today on @Striketv
- chichistarr73 RT @theguild: Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld
- theguild Animated web series starring sperm? Must be #webserieswed !! http://itsaspermsworld.com and on twitter @itsaspermsworld
- johnfjellstad #webserieswed http://www.youtube.com/user/cubefarm
- LukeZwan Not that I am watching #webserieswed . I am working. Ok, I watched the 1st Ikea Heights. Fake Soap Opera in Ikea = Awesome. Working again.
- LukeZwan #webserieswed "Ikea Heights" http://bit.ly/u4Tnb is ridiculous!
- Maiven RT @theguild Also, check out Pure Pwnage http://purepwnage.com & its creators @jarettcale @glapaire #webserieswed
- thatoneyoyoguy #webserieswed Nice job! RT @autotunethenews: ATTN #8 ft. @DaRealerstTPAIN (the federal commission himself): http://bit.ly/peSdo
- LukeZwan #webserieswed "IYFY..." has funny moments. Not prof. But funny: http://tinyurl.com/n5srtb ||| + Choose your own adventure @ MimiAndFlo.com
- theguild Also, check out Pure Pwnage http://purepwnage.com & its creators @jarettcale @glapaire #webserieswed
- Phillycat #webserieswed ctrl is is good. It has tony hale starring in it.
- JackofKitemanTV #webserieswed allsecurethetvshow.com The series and the Cat Flasher Mark V coming soon.
- gorisf @MentalEclectic #webserieswed I spent 1yr going2 #SF #cafe 2look4 sexy #Indian guys-til #mafia came :( http://tinyurl.com/goricafelurk #desi
- telephobia #webserieswed great idea! myfoolishlove Everyone watch Monsters Anonymous! Google it because i cant post a link from my phone! #MonAnon #webserieswed
- LazyHorde A lot of these series, esp. the indies, just need new viewers more than anything. A rec. to friends is huge. #webserieswed @MentalEclectic
- VincentEL Monsters Anonymous http://www.mintypineapple.com/promos.html #MonAnon #webserieswed
- LazyHorde I think the key to #webserieswed (via @MentalEclectic) is to watch a couple episodes of a series and if you dig 'em, pass the word along...
- SamBradley11 RT @MentalEclectic: Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- StephUpUrLyf more #webserieswed @phillyd @hotforwords @tweetthestation
- MentalEclectic We recommend @Eguiders directory for #webserieswed! http://bit.ly/3iZinO including @TheGuild @Ask2hotgirls Who am I missing?
- malusman #webserieswed Zero Punctuation (not a web series but an incredible simulation!) Follow @zeropunctuation for updates.
- rollandglass IKEA Heights http://bit.ly/u4Tnb for #webserieswed
- csoy13 @TheCrewTV http://www.thecrew.tv/ #webserieswed
- egspoony #webserieswed @MediocreFilms @theguild @ask2hotgirls @legendofneil @MiYP also @crackledotcom and @atomcomedy
- stoejyron 'SacramentJoe' = offbeat web series about Sacramento that just launched #webserieswed @sacramentjoe http://bit.ly/atIDy
- soulisblack RT @theguild: Some recommendations for #webserieswed @MediocreFilms @ask2hotgirls @legendofneil follow them and check out their stuff!
- Clonehouse RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - Clone House is a webseries I made its on youtube. PLEASE RT
- theguild Some recommendations for #webserieswed @MediocreFilms @ask2hotgirls @legendofneil follow them and check out their stuff!
- m0000g Favs #webserieswed .... mine is #theguild http://www.watchtheguild.com/
- galaxy_sailor #webserieswed The Last Stand. Episode 1 is on the website with Episode 2-5 in production. Come and support the cause! http://bit.ly/HkmLw
- DangerShoes Last shout out before cleaning.. #WebSeriesWed is a great resource to find awesome web series, and to promote your favorite! Pass it on! :)
- TomMcGarry thwackers is a great new series, stars my brother josh and others - #webserieswed www.thwackers.tv
- TheWebFiles @TilzyTV #WebSeriesWed: @TheWebFiles, Episode 9 with @MYMHM: http://bit.ly/18XUcO
- TheWebFiles @NewTeeVee #WebSeriesWed: @TheWebFiles, Episode 9 with @MYMHM: http://bit.ly/18XUcO
- MentalEclectic RT @briankameoka: 'SacramentJoe' = offbeat web series about Sacramento that just launched #webserieswed @sacramentjoe http://bit.ly/atIDy
- TheWebFiles RT @MentalEclectic #WebSeriesWed: @TheWebFiles, Episode 9 with @MYMHM: http://bit.ly/18XUcO And our cross over episode: http://bit.ly/qiSCs
- KristynBurtt RT @MentalEclectic #WebSeriesWed: @TheWebFiles, Episode 9 with @MYMHM: http://bit.ly/18XUcO And our cross over episode: http://bit.ly/qiSCs
- MintyPineapple New Mon Anon Promo! http://blip.tv/file/2542782 Watch it on YouTube if you have to: http://bit.ly/3eeFNE #monanon #webserieswed
- KristynBurtt #WebSeriesWed: @TheWebFiles, Episode 9 with @MYMHM: http://bit.ly/18XUcO And our cross over episode: http://bit.ly/qiSCs
- digipendence RT @moviestorm: It's #webserieswed so check out Star Quest, cos it's an entertaining sci-fi adventure http://is.gd/2Oa7m
- briankameoka 'SacramentJoe' = offbeat web series about Sacramento that just launched #webserieswed @sacramentjoe http://bit.ly/atIDy
- haikit #webserieswed #theguild
- Joe_car Err, @LegendOfNeil #WebSeriesWed
- foxinc RT @zombiecatprod: Orgazimation is our weekly stop-motion webseries debuting Friday Sept. 18. #webserieswed
- MentalEclectic RT @Joe_car: #WebSeriesWed, thank you for introducing me to @TheLegendOfNeil.
- Joe_car #WebSeriesWed, thank you for introducing me to @TheLegendOfNeil.
- EvilPhish And of course, for #webserieswed http://www.drhorrible.com/mushortio.html and my fav http://www.watchtheguild.com
- Blake_Calhoun Check out @pinktheseries @afterjudgment @thecabonauts @showbizzle #webserieswed (via @Gennefer)
- rachelodom #webserieswed @theguild @legendofneil @tekzilla
- charredoakfilms Check out Charred Oak partners Rich Lovejoy and @kentm3 in this 4 If By Space! http://tinyurl.com/nvex6h #webserieswed
- MentalEclectic I just used @videosurf . Love the concept and idea. Worked well- perhaps you should try it for #webserieswed ? I searched eguiders.
- PurseDogTV Celebrating #webserieswed with crossover Eps! @TheWebFiles #9 is w/podcast @MYMHM http://bit.ly/15Sp0a & their Ep #17 http://bit.ly/UxWw3
- nathanwrann #webserieswed @fwlv Go Kayaking With Lifevest http://funwithlifevest.blip.tv
- Act3Scene24 RT @moviestorm: It's #webserieswed so check out Star Quest, cos it's an entertaining sci-fi adventure http://is.gd/2Oa7m
- Kakyokuhime Watch the Familiar of Zero Abridged! http://bit.ly/thilg #webserieswed
- BlackBookBerry RT @anthonyplaster: See the office comedy, BlackBookBerry at www.YouTube.com/BlackBookBerry #webserieswed
- anthonyplaster See the office comedy, BlackBookBerry at www.YouTube.com/BlackBookBerry #webserieswed
- mattalexbrown RT @Geekyfanboy: Another favorite of mine @legendofneil http://legendofneil.com #webserieswed Good call that man!
- Moviestorm It's #webserieswed so check out Star Quest, cos it's an entertaining sci-fi adventure http://is.gd/2Oa7m
- EvilPhish Hey #webserieswed check out http://www.thecrew.tv/ and http://afterjudgment.com/ and http://www.issuestheseries.com/
- inthemomenttv RT @Dave_obrien: #webserieswed Check out IN THE MOMENT at inthemoment.tv.
- Dave_obrien RT @Dave_obrien: #webserieswed Check out IN THE MOMENT at inthemoment.tv.
- Dave_obrien #webserieswed Check out IN THE MOMENT at inthemoment.tv.
- Moviestorm It's #webserieswed so check out @hardycapo's Cafe Insomniac cos it's strange, surreal and wonderful http://is.gd/2O9VI Pls RT
- DadLabs Watch these. That is all. RT @feyrer: @theguild @dadlabs @legendofneil @conditionhuman - my favorite web series #webserieswed
- tm1956 #webserieswed: "the website is down" cracks me up: http://bit.ly/1cN90 .. thx to @feliciaday for turning us on to that series
- PurseDogTV Link next! RT @MentalEclectic Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed. Pls RT
- feyrer @theguild @dadlabs @legendofneil @conditionhuman - my favorite web series #webserieswed
- shandromand RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- stirling79 RT @misplacedwilder Hell Froze Over ---> http://www.hellfrozeover.tv #webserieswednesday #webserieswed.
- MintyPineapple Monsters Anonymous http://www.mintypineapple.com/monanon.html Milf Solicitors http://bit.ly/3MIpKl #webserieswed
- MintyPineapple RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- zpiester RT @DangerShoes: Wow! Very cool! Thanks @MentalEclectic for the #Webserieswed link to @ posting of @theguild :) Love that site ( @eguiders )
- chriswiltz @DATRMovie Hi. I came across your stuff for #webserieswed Looks really cool! When is the feature or web series coming out?
- midknight RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- kaiamar @theguild It's #webserieswed Kudos to the Guild, Girl Genius, Hetalia, Agent Jones CM from Japan
- midknight http://tinyurl.com/lpm64d Made my a co-worker, was very entertaining from what he let me watch. Starts Sept. 22nd. #webserieswed
- MentalEclectic RT @DangerShoes: Wow! Very cool! Thanks @MentalEclectic for the #Webserieswed link to @ posting of @theguild :) Love that site ( @eguiders )
- MarkusHunt RT @Geekyfanboy: Another favorite of mine @legendofneil http://legendofneil.com #webserieswed Good call that man!
- andrewgleason #webserieswed Comedy Gumbo was created by @seanbecker and I really like it. http://bit.ly/24giRQ
- DangerShoes Wow! Very cool! Thanks @MentalEclectic for the #Webserieswed link to @ posting of @theguild :) Love that site ( @eguiders )
- andrewgleason RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- chrisdemeyere Looking for a fun webseries? Try Legend of Neil! http://www.effinfunny.com/legend-of-neil #webserieswed
- tebriel RT @zombiecatprod: Orgazimation is our weekly stop-motion webseries debuting Friday Sept. 18. #webserieswed
- quotergal Lisa Kudrow's "Web Therapy" at hulu: http://is.gd/2O7qq It's a hoot and a half, w/ GREAT guest stars. #webserieswed
- TMGLost #webserieswed CTRL Feat Tony Hale http://bit.ly/7mWBc also available as free amazon unboxed download - I watch it on my TIVO #lost
- haydenblack RT @Gennefer Check out @pinktheseries @afterjudgment @thecabonauts @showbizzle 4 action, outerspace hilarity & showbiz comedy. #webserieswed
- epiguide Eppy featured site #2: Reconstruction, a graphic novel re US Civil War & its aftermath: http://bit.ly/onFNy #webserieswed #webficwed
- epiguide Eppy featured site #1: Footprints, a down-to-earth saga re interconnected lives of 4 siblings: http://bit.ly/u3RNH #webserieswed #webficwed
- TMGLost #webserieswed CTRL Feat Tony Hale http://bit.ly/7mWBc insane timetravel comedy-goofy FUN and unafraid of paradoxes-recommend for #lost fans
- Eckie Kicking off #webserieswed with a no-brainer: @garyvee's Wine Library TV. Awesome daily wineshow for connaisseurs and non-drinkers alike.
- vanessa_shaver Ahem. My new favorite hashtag: #webserieswed Check it. (RT due to spelling #fail)
- vanessa_shaver My new favourite hashtag: #webserieswed Check it.
- susantoups #webserieswed Damn! I forgot @drhorrible it's awesome! Must see!
- Eckie RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- TheLeafisRed It's #webserieswed... perhaps you should watch OJ Ep3 http://twurl.nl/nuvksp to see why the cool kids are downloading "Chump"?
- Joe_car Rather, @CaptAlphaMale. #WebSeriesWed
- maxsummers 2 Hot Girls in The Shower (@ask2hotgirls) is a great webseries too! #webserieswed http://bit.ly/vNGfR
- susantoups #webserieswed I love @comicbookorange and @theguild Both are FAB web series! You must watch.
- Joe_car #WebSeriesWed Ok, I'm a fan of Ctrl by #NBC, anything by @Revision3, @CaptainAlphaMale, and Captain S by @pbcproductions, dead but good.
- ar2lalex #webserieswed Ok I'm not familiar with many webseries, so just few favorites: @drhorrible @legendofneil and @theguild of course :) (2nd try)
- imputedgrace #webserieswed I love The Elevator Show
- roguenation RT @MentalEclectic Have you checked out @eguiders for #webserieswed? Here is @TheGuild on the site. http://bit.ly/GriVo
- GrrAargh #webserieswed Ozgirl http://ozgirl.tv/
- SPwrite FUN! RT @TheWebFiles Ep 9 with podcast @MYMHM http://bit.ly/15Sp0a & then watch their Ep 17 http://bit.ly/UxWw3 4 a surprise! #webserieswed
- tibits I love @brettregister's Lost & Found and Craig & the Werewolf http://bit.ly/absdis #webserieswed
- may_gun My favorite web series are The Guild, Legend of Neil, and You Suck @ Photoshop. #webserieswed
- SPwrite About to link! RT @MentalEclectic Its that time again! Link a webseries so we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed. Pls RT
- epiguide Hey, it's #webficwed and #webserieswed -- link up your favorite webserials of all sorts, text, video, audio ... the variety's the thing!
- alexgoblin To all the WoW fans @theguild #webserieswed
- theguild RT @gregaronowitz #webserieswed http://alienninja.tv check out the barnyardfx "making of" eps as we finalize the show!
- atomcomedy RT @worldofhiglet: RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend!
- worldofhiglet For naughtier fun try Legend of Neil (NSFW) http://www.effinfunny.com/legend-of-neil #webserieswed
- brheak RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- P4L4D1NPR1M3 RT @Geekyfanboy Another favorite of mine @legendofneil http://legendofneil.com #webserieswed
- worldofhiglet Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show is another fav webseries http://bit.ly/Kyhpy #webserieswed
- variants RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! // http://www.thevariants.com/
- worldofhiglet My fav webseries? Okay there's The Guild http://www.watchtheguild.com/ #webserieswed
- P4L4D1NPR1M3 RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- guko_duko #webserieswed Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show! I hope @KimEvey revisits this idea again someday
- zeuscomics http://www.thevariants.com/ RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend!
- DangerShoes Excuse my first post of #webserieswed links got switched.. But it's all good! They are crossover episodes!! :)
- automateduser Excellent typing skills today, first I misspell #webserieswed , then I forget it entirely.
- madfoot San Francisco series done by friends of friends about standup comedy: http://www.welcometothestage.com/ #webserieswed
- Geekyfanboy Another favorite of mine @legendofneil http://legendofneil.com #webserieswed
- DangerShoes Double dose of #WebSeriesWed (?) awesomeness!! @theWebFiles Episode 17 http://bit.ly/15Sp0a followed by @MYMHM Episode 9 http://bit.ly/UxWw3
- madfoot RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- atc1990 RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- DangerShoes Double dose of #WebSeriesWed (?) awesomeness!! @theWebFiles Episode 17 http://bit.ly/UxWw3 followed by @MYMHM Episode 9 http://bit.ly/15Sp0a
- gregaronowitz #webserieswed alienninja.tv check out the barnyardfx "making of" eps as we finalize the show!
- jaredhoy w00t #webserieswed www.youtube.com/conquestguide www.legendofneil.com www.goldtheseries.com www.coryandsid.com
- jetwardy Dormlife = classic! RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- gregaronowitz RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- tibits RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- okelay RT @worldofhiglet RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- ar2lalex #webserieswed Ok I'm not familiar with many webseries, so just few favorites: @drhorrible @legendofneil and @theguild of course. :)
- worldofhiglet RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- piff @theguild #webserieswed Legend of Neil; Rooster Teeth Red vs Blue; collegehumor Jake and Amir, Hardly Working
- JerryRHall @legendofneil RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- jjphotoftw RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- theminesoforme RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- Firefly1969 Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- MentalEclectic Pls RT and join the webseries fan page on Facebook. #webserieswed http://bit.ly/45BpH
- Die_Monkey RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- Xanderrific #webserieswed : #TheGuild! http://bit.ly/2dqFq , #TheCrew http://bit.ly/KPpUr , and #Compulsions (Coming soon! I helped!) http://bit.ly/v0MlO
- The_Reviewist #webserieswed @theguild @marblehornets hmm I need some more.
- wthackjr RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- ar2lalex RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- StephUpUrLyf #webserieswed @furyofsolace
- StephUpUrLyf RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend!
- koolkory #webserieswed Check out @theguild and The Legend of Niel!
- honer842 RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- michaeltapp RT @Gennefer: Check out @pinktheseries @afterjudgment @thecabonauts @showbizzle for action, suspense, & show biz comedy. #webserieswed
- AdamCooper12 #webserieswed Today I recommend Zero Punctuation, Explosm and possibly Unforgotten Realms. www.escapistmagazine.com / www.explosm.net
- GreatStoneFace RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! - Best Show on the Web!
- danageekmom RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- CStockRun RT @theguild, @drhorrible, @roosterteeth @legendofneil It's Wednesday, so here are some sweet webshows I thought I'd share #webserieswed
- SafetyGeeksSVI It's #webserieswed -- SAFETY GEEKS: SVI http://www.koldcast.tv/video/forked_up
- atlrugger RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- NJSchneider @theguild: Even though it isn't a "web series," #webserieswed I highly recommend The IT Crowd.
- RedZulu RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! - LOVE The Guild
- rollandglass Will also pimp @pinktheseries @issuestheseries @leavingbliss @thecabonauts @thecrewtv #webserieswed
- SoapboxMark Dragonslash Explosion Force - http://budurl.com/s7du. There Will Be Brawl - http://budurl.com/x7m5 Both shows are awesome! #webserieswed
- amster RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- ninomachi RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend!
- crazyisgood4792 #webserieswed The Guild and Red Vs Blue are my faves, both lots of fun to watch RvsB is so funny though
- gavintiegirl #webserieswed -I am a fan of The Daily Show series but there are so many to chose from @eGuiders http://bit.ly/aGGQI
- KrisMcCaig @theguild @legendofneil #webserieswed my two fave webseries
- bentonjennings It's #webserieswed -- SAFETY GEEKS: SVI http://www.koldcast.tv/#/video:forked_up
- OSTRICK RT @MentalEclectic: @OSTRICK Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- millpondpro millpondpro @LFTI thanks for the link! #webserieswed
- neadcb RT @theguild Guildies, its #webserieswed- tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- rollandglass I have to pimp @goldtheseries. #webserieswednesday It's life. Roll for damage. #webserieswed
- theJDman RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend!
- DATRMovie RT @DATRMovie: Punks. Hippies. Hip Hop. Revolution. www.datrmovie.com webseries coming soon. #webserieswed #DATR
- MentalEclectic RT @DATRMovie: Punks. Hippies. Hip Hop. Revolution. www.datrmovie.com webseries coming soon. #webserieswed #DATR
- rebeccamae #webserieswed (via @theguild) I love your show! I also like the Legend of Neil, but that's a hugely different story.... :)
- SofiaDistracted RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- DATRMovie @zpiester Thank you! @TheGuild tweeted about #webserieswed. now we r getting all sorts of tweets about it Trying to get them to eguiders.com
- MentalEclectic @zpiester Thank you! @TheGuild tweeted about #webserieswed. now we r getting all sorts of tweets about it Trying to get them to eguiders.com
- worldofhiglet My review of The Guild S3 Ep1 is up on PinkRaygun.com! http://bit.ly/AWXBa What did you think? #theguild #webserieswed
- one_sunshine RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT [great show-LOVE IT!]
- Geekyfanboy RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- eml8810 RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- PhantomThiefX Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- Geekyfanboy My two favorite Webseries @theguild http://www.watchtheguild.com and @variants http://www.thevariants.com #webserieswed
- glaeven RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- DATRMovie Join the webseries fan page on Facebook. #webserieswed http://bit.ly/80sTD
- MauIsMurder Happy #webserieswed watch Anarachy for Breakfast at http://tiny.cc/M4uq3
- osiramon RT Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT (via @theguild)
- pancholink (via @theguild) #webserieswed I highly recommend to follow @legendofneil and whatch their series, Zelda fans you'll love it!!
- UncompletedWork Nice -- apparently there is a tag #webserieswed -- I'll keep an eye on this hash tag.
- DATRMovie Punks. Hippies. Hip Hop. Revolution. www.datrmovie.com webseries coming soon. #webserieswed #DATR
- adamsturman @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- or_mabinogi #webserieswed The Guild, Legend of Neil, Gorgeous Tiny Chicken Machine Show, Captain Blasto, Wormtooth Nation
- kenlowery RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - share other web series you recommend! // The Variants, of course! http://www.thevariants.com
- shallanelprin #webserieswed God Inc (only 6 episode, but well worth it) http://bit.ly/4ySGXt and @theguild www.watchtheguild.com
- TomMcGarry @theguild thwacked is a great new series, stars my brother josh and others - www.thwacked.tv #webserieswed
- popculturezoo RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- MentalEclectic Nice! @TheGuild sent a reminder about #webserieswed (formerly #webseriedwednesday) on Twitter. Join in and get the attention you deserve!
- zpiester RT @MentalEclectic: @eGuiders Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- dannywonderful RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- Juliana_Marie RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- kzap333 #webserieswed @commodoreHUSTLE @theguild @loadingreadyrun @filmriot
- aminamat RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- tombness Do you like fun webseries and love zombies? Then watch I am NOT infected! http://www.iamnotinfected.com #webserieswed
- RoyMyLife #webserieswed cautionary tales of swords, pokèmon the abridged series, yu-gi-oh the abridged series
- aminamat Ctrl #webserieswed
- nytvf Also for #webserieswed there is "Gold" (http://bit.ly/11bM5X ), "Idiots, Dating" (http://bit.ly/1Od01s ) & "Odd Jobs" (http://bit.ly/3hsnFz )
- volgeek Catch http://www.watchtheguild.com and http://www.legendofneil.com #webserieswed
- TFEB RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- filmmakertony been watching Cntrl http://ow.ly/nLjN and The Guild http://ow.ly/nLk4 also just discovered Dr. Horrible http://ow.ly/nLkn #webserieswed
- kleedrac RT: @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- deardevon RT @theguild it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- Da7e I say http://allsfaire.tv !RT @theguild: It's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- kellywetzel #webserieswed @theguild @venicetheseries
- jbrown0413 RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- DarthAngelus Chronicles of Humanity - http://chroniclesofhumanity.com/ - #webserieswed
- DarthAngelus RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- katiefran Recommendation for #webserieswed - Legend of Neil ( #Legendof Neil ; @legendofneil )
- nytvf So for #webserieswed how about a few of the shows that will at the #nytvf in a few weeks: First, Leaving Bliss: http://bit.ly/akRr5
- CelestialAxis It's #webserieswed! I love #TheGuild (@theguild) and #DrHorrible (@drhorrible)! http://www.watchtheguild.com/ http://drhorrible.com/
- katiefran RT @theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- zombiecatprod Orgazimation is our weekly stop-motion webseries debuting Friday Sept. 18. #webserieswed
- SweetestCyanide RT @theguild Guildies, it´s #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- Acidbather RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this to share other web series you recommend! http://bit.ly/49J0p PurePwnage NSFW!!
- Kagasan Whee for #webserieswed this week... @goldtheseries @ http://goldtheseries.com and @legendofneil @ http://legendofneil.com/
- MentalEclectic Thank you! RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- rkovo715 RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- MissMAB Of course it's The Guild & The Legend of Neil #webserieswed
- jeffbruner39 RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- monkeyonthelam RT @theguild: Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- theguild Guildies, it's #webserieswed - tweet with this tag and share other web series you recommend! PLEASE RT
- SpaceHospital Mitch Magee's "Welcome to My Study" is brilliantly bizarre. http://bit.ly/nWj1x #webserieswed
- LazyHorde 664 - The Neighbor of the Beast. http://bit.ly/3v7jee What happens when you move next door to Satan RT @MentalEclectic #webserieswed
- misplacedwilder Hell Froze Over ---> http://www.hellfrozeover.tv #webserieswednesday #webserieswed.
- misplacedwilder RT @nytvf @MentalEclectic @Gennefer Pls RT! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- LFTI #webserieswed @bjfletcherpi http://bit.ly/B8t7U BaL http://bit.ly/wY1tr @millpondpro http://bit.ly/3Zkb1E LFTI @bliptv http://bit.ly/Wx5TV
- rochelledancel RT @MentalEclectic Have you checked out @eguiders for #webserieswed? Here is @TheGuild on the site. http://bit.ly/GriVo CORKY242 RT @MentalEclectic: @CORKY242 Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- nytvf RT @MentalEclectic @Gennefer Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
- taraplatt my fav is still galacticast RT @MentalEclectic Pls RT that time again! Link a webseries so we may discover #webserieswednesday #webserieswed
- zpiester RT @MentalEclectic: @asenjames Pls RT Have you checked out @eguiders for #webserieswed? Here is @TheGuild on the site. http://bit.ly/GriVo
- asenjames RT @MentalEclectic: @asenjames Pls RT Its that time again! Link a webseries so that we may discover! #webserieswednesday now #webserieswed.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
#WebSeriesWed Definition and results from 9/2/2009
#WebSeriesWed is a tag used to discover new webseries on Twitter. It is a tool for content makers to get more followers, more views and to promote their work.
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