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Wednesday, September 2, 2009

#IndieMM definition

About two weeks ago The Mental Eclectic started #Indiemoviemonday on Twitter. (now #indieMM)

#IndieMM started as a Twitter based (it is now expanding to social media) movement which creates exposure for independent films. It is meant to be a means of discovery for film fans, film collaborators and film financiers. If you have a film (short or feature) link it every Monday on Twitter, Facebook, Myspace, etc. If you have a film that is using one of the many resources online like or to help support your film then link that page too. This is meant for you, the filmmaker, the film fan to discover new movies, get involved and self promote.

@FansofFilm recently wrote a blog on the movement:

Take a minute and read it here.


Unknown said...

Than you Craig for making Monday's fun days for filmmakers.

Anonymous said...

Interesting, thanks for the heads up about this.