I am in search of the heart of LA however I am not sure I know exactly what the means. It is so metaphorical and general that- really- it could be anything you want it to and perhaps, perhaps that is the answer. How do I define "the heart of LA"?
I mentioned this search in a Facebook status when someone commented, "It is straight through your chest man." This began a spinning wheel of thoughts- and questions.
Was he telling me that maybe I have the ability to be the heart of LA? hm. That seemed a little too self involved and ridiculous for anyone to actually believe that.
Perhaps he too was speaking metaphorically. Perhaps everyone has the ability to be their own heart of LA. This statement, it seems more reasonable. I could be my own heart and define it on my own.
I am the heart of the Mental Eclectic and have been for a decade and a half- and will always be. The Mental is what I use to define my career, therefor it is my heart of LA.
Fuck finding the metaphorical heart of Los Angeles. That quest is nearly an impossible but rather define it on your own. Maybe, just maybe others will consider it their heart too.
So, how do I go about this? Philosophically I have many an idea and like to think I have been living these ideas for quite some time. I will continue to live and work this way and let my actions speak for themselves.
Friday, December 9, 2011
Thursday, November 24, 2011
The Los Angeles Freak out: Part 1- 1 year 2 months in
As an on again, off again resident of the "glitz and glamour" of Los Angeles I did not think I was prone to an LA freak out- again.
During round one of living in LA I noticed most people barely make it past 1 year 6 months in Los Angeles. They all seem to come to a realization just how tough the city is, just how hard their dreams are to realize. Time and time again I saw people leave LA, giving up after barely trying.
And here I am, freaking out. For the first time in my entire life I....I...I am questioning my choice to accomplish my hearts desires.
Yes, first time ever.
I am 35, I am more poor than I have ever been in my entire life. I have accomplished some interesting things that equal nothing more than part of a storied life. I laugh at some of the accomplishments- not in an act of self doubt- but rather in an act of "how the hell did that happen to me?"
I've been imitated live on stage- to my surprise.
I've been turned into a hand drawn image on a poster in the name of independent art.
I got up on a stage to a group of screaming people shouting, "Craig- we love you!"
I've been turned into a cartoon.
I've become a character in a video game.
I've been interviewed on TV, radio, blogs and in a newspaper.
I've been asked to speak on panels and considered an expert.
It's been an amazing ride. It's been fun. Yet, I still just look back and laugh for it's nothing more that great stories.
I want more. A lot more. Yet, I find my self questioning it all.
When it comes down to it- the only reason I really question any of this is because I have no- absolutely no- money. I am trying to work all of this out in my head. Not writing to whine but writing to get through this cuz god knows I won't give up. Can't. Wouldn't try. I still plug along- even if some of the umph has left my step down the yellow brick road.
With all of that confessed, I will take some time during this week and a half break from Los Angeles in the name of soul searching, attitude adjustment and getting back in tune with the universe. I want to find the umph again for I am way too determined and tenacious to walk away.
I will make this happen- somehow- someway. It will happen. It has to. It must.
During round one of living in LA I noticed most people barely make it past 1 year 6 months in Los Angeles. They all seem to come to a realization just how tough the city is, just how hard their dreams are to realize. Time and time again I saw people leave LA, giving up after barely trying.
And here I am, freaking out. For the first time in my entire life I....I...I am questioning my choice to accomplish my hearts desires.
Yes, first time ever.
I am 35, I am more poor than I have ever been in my entire life. I have accomplished some interesting things that equal nothing more than part of a storied life. I laugh at some of the accomplishments- not in an act of self doubt- but rather in an act of "how the hell did that happen to me?"
I've been imitated live on stage- to my surprise.
I've been turned into a hand drawn image on a poster in the name of independent art.
I got up on a stage to a group of screaming people shouting, "Craig- we love you!"
I've been turned into a cartoon.
I've become a character in a video game.
I've been interviewed on TV, radio, blogs and in a newspaper.
I've been asked to speak on panels and considered an expert.
It's been an amazing ride. It's been fun. Yet, I still just look back and laugh for it's nothing more that great stories.
I want more. A lot more. Yet, I find my self questioning it all.
When it comes down to it- the only reason I really question any of this is because I have no- absolutely no- money. I am trying to work all of this out in my head. Not writing to whine but writing to get through this cuz god knows I won't give up. Can't. Wouldn't try. I still plug along- even if some of the umph has left my step down the yellow brick road.
With all of that confessed, I will take some time during this week and a half break from Los Angeles in the name of soul searching, attitude adjustment and getting back in tune with the universe. I want to find the umph again for I am way too determined and tenacious to walk away.
I will make this happen- somehow- someway. It will happen. It has to. It must.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Directors Blog: The four events and the films of 2011 that forced me to turn the corner from film events to filmmaking
Before 2011 began I had not directed a thing in about 3 years- and even that is still in post. So I was a frustrated filmmaker who found a filmmaking niche in hosting events and as a festival director for an indie film festival in San Diego. I became known as a huge supporter of indie film- which I did not mind as a title or as a responsibility. I naturally like to build communities anyhow so it was a good fit plus I made lots of friends and contacts through these ventures. Hell, I am grateful for those opportunities and I like to think that I rose to the occasion. With that said, I knew this would all just play into the blueprint of my career as a director.
I will never forget sitting down and talking to a friend and long time film crew cohort, Kurt Braun when he discovered I wanted to direct. He in fact had no clue. I was utterly confused- cuz wasn't me running festivals, putting together networking events, and hosting indiefilm hashtags online the same as...oh...wait...suddenly I got it.
So, in the beginning of 2011 I got an opportunity to direct a video for a song that brought me to hidden tears the first time I heard it. I related to it many times over. I put on my directing hat and went for it. With this project I had the ability to work with 3 time emmy award winning DP Mario Ortiz, we had a bit of a budget to work with and had lots of the filmmaking tools we needed. It was a 3 day shoot that took lots more creative energy- mentally to truly conquer than had been exercised in recent years.
While I am very happy with the final product we are stuck in post on some visual details that need to be fixed before everyone is happy with the final product. Either way, I can stand proud on the project.
With all of that said, when all the shooting was done- I knew it had been too long since I had directed and I definitely felt rusty. I knew if I were to ever rise to the occasion of being one of the best filmmakers in cinematic history (yes- that is my overly ambitious goal) then I had a lot to do. So, I set out to direct this year and actually be considered by friends and colleagues a real, live filmmaker.
The second opportunity I got to direct in 2011 was another music video- One Beating Heart- which was a project conceived by singer/songwriter Justin James. This was to be a video that would market the song as a download on iTunes of which all proceeds would go to All Hands Volunteers.

I knew I was gonna take it. First, Justin is a good dude who is uberly professional, second it was for charity, third it I had met a producer I wanted to work with and fourth it was my first real gig as a director in LA since returning. The concept was simple. It was a one day shoot ultimately that had to be spread over two days. So, I hired Lynda Lopez as my producer and rolled the dice and asked publicist, Cid Swank, I had met during San Diego Indie Fest 7 to represent us on the project. She agreed. We were all very happy.
After we shot and looked at the footage- I both loved it and was a bit worried about how it would actually come together.

See more here.
This is where the power of a good editor was reiterated. Our editor Michelle MacKinnon rocked it. The video has some high energy and meaningful images to go along with its meaningful lyrics. I am just awaiting the last cut- and it should be up for public view and download.
Now, I got this gig right in the middle of me finding a way to start up the Mental Eclectic ensemble again. So, by the time we shot we had a few people join us from the newly formed ensemble. A few of the newly discovered talent joined us in the shoot and were great to work with.
Now, it is months later and as a group we've been shooting regularly. Four events in the last two months have created confidence in myself as a cinema director. The first and foremost was our first 48 hour film project together. "Lost Heroes" was created through the elements of getting the genre Superhero, the prop dust mask, the character Jeremy North- a politician and the line of dialog "don't tell me that what I think it is."
When this weekend was finished and the final edit was done- we knew- we could see it plain as day- that we had done something that was noteworthy and I had directed it...I was a proud papa. Then we made it to the finals in LA, got nominated for best acting- and while we did not win- we were all very proud. This project then ignited the imagination of all involved and grew itself into a webseries. So, we created the world, new characters, defined others and created archs for each. Next thing you knew we had 4 eps of the official webseries and with shuffling around of cast we finally found a way to make it happen.
This brought on Trina K Sandal as my new producer. This of course is the second event that rose my confidence and abilities. See I loved working with Lynda and will do it again but I knew Trina from years past. I knew the talent I had met five years previous and how she must have grown since then. Trina, in fact, is one of the hardest working people in the industry, I feel lucky that I have partnered with her before the studios found her. This event has changed my focus from having to produce to being able to concentrate more and more on directing.
This brings me to the last 2 events. One was the addition of fellow LA Film School classmate and alumni Travis A Belgard whose talent, quiet laid back demeanor and general good attitude has been amazing. His abilities and knowledge with the plus of his equipment have brought us to a new level.
The last event happened during the shooting part of episode three of the webseries with Irving Martinez at helm as the director he pushed the boundries for us...creating a look with the lighting that I was not aware we had the current abilities to do. This of course both worried and excited Trina and I. The look was quite different from everything we shot thus far...but it looked beautiful. So, we did research and found a way to make it possible and work. Well, honestly the jury it still out on that. We will see- either way it forced us to do some cool things.

These four events, grew and stretched me further as a director then anything had since my graduation of LA Film School.
All of these puzzle pieces came together and proved that I am on the right track towards my ultimate goal in the last 48 hour film project I did for The Producers Guild of America. The film is called, "En Passant."

When all is said and done this could be the best project I have directed to date. While being judged, I cannot release this film to the general public but I am stoked with the final product- or at least the non directors cut version. The acting, the writing, the lighting all came together in what I hope to be a success to the judges eyes.
I cannot wait to be able to work with a lot of my longtime film crew cohorts with this new found confidence. For the first time I don't feel like a theater director armed with a camera, I have finally, FINALLY, turned that corner to film director.
Now, my next steps? Get my first feature under my belt to show indie film just how seriously I need to be taken as a director.
I will never forget sitting down and talking to a friend and long time film crew cohort, Kurt Braun when he discovered I wanted to direct. He in fact had no clue. I was utterly confused- cuz wasn't me running festivals, putting together networking events, and hosting indiefilm hashtags online the same as...oh...wait...suddenly I got it.
So, in the beginning of 2011 I got an opportunity to direct a video for a song that brought me to hidden tears the first time I heard it. I related to it many times over. I put on my directing hat and went for it. With this project I had the ability to work with 3 time emmy award winning DP Mario Ortiz, we had a bit of a budget to work with and had lots of the filmmaking tools we needed. It was a 3 day shoot that took lots more creative energy- mentally to truly conquer than had been exercised in recent years.
While I am very happy with the final product we are stuck in post on some visual details that need to be fixed before everyone is happy with the final product. Either way, I can stand proud on the project.
With all of that said, when all the shooting was done- I knew it had been too long since I had directed and I definitely felt rusty. I knew if I were to ever rise to the occasion of being one of the best filmmakers in cinematic history (yes- that is my overly ambitious goal) then I had a lot to do. So, I set out to direct this year and actually be considered by friends and colleagues a real, live filmmaker.
The second opportunity I got to direct in 2011 was another music video- One Beating Heart- which was a project conceived by singer/songwriter Justin James. This was to be a video that would market the song as a download on iTunes of which all proceeds would go to All Hands Volunteers.

I knew I was gonna take it. First, Justin is a good dude who is uberly professional, second it was for charity, third it I had met a producer I wanted to work with and fourth it was my first real gig as a director in LA since returning. The concept was simple. It was a one day shoot ultimately that had to be spread over two days. So, I hired Lynda Lopez as my producer and rolled the dice and asked publicist, Cid Swank, I had met during San Diego Indie Fest 7 to represent us on the project. She agreed. We were all very happy.
After we shot and looked at the footage- I both loved it and was a bit worried about how it would actually come together.

See more here.
This is where the power of a good editor was reiterated. Our editor Michelle MacKinnon rocked it. The video has some high energy and meaningful images to go along with its meaningful lyrics. I am just awaiting the last cut- and it should be up for public view and download.
Now, I got this gig right in the middle of me finding a way to start up the Mental Eclectic ensemble again. So, by the time we shot we had a few people join us from the newly formed ensemble. A few of the newly discovered talent joined us in the shoot and were great to work with.
Now, it is months later and as a group we've been shooting regularly. Four events in the last two months have created confidence in myself as a cinema director. The first and foremost was our first 48 hour film project together. "Lost Heroes" was created through the elements of getting the genre Superhero, the prop dust mask, the character Jeremy North- a politician and the line of dialog "don't tell me that what I think it is."
When this weekend was finished and the final edit was done- we knew- we could see it plain as day- that we had done something that was noteworthy and I had directed it...I was a proud papa. Then we made it to the finals in LA, got nominated for best acting- and while we did not win- we were all very proud. This project then ignited the imagination of all involved and grew itself into a webseries. So, we created the world, new characters, defined others and created archs for each. Next thing you knew we had 4 eps of the official webseries and with shuffling around of cast we finally found a way to make it happen.
This brought on Trina K Sandal as my new producer. This of course is the second event that rose my confidence and abilities. See I loved working with Lynda and will do it again but I knew Trina from years past. I knew the talent I had met five years previous and how she must have grown since then. Trina, in fact, is one of the hardest working people in the industry, I feel lucky that I have partnered with her before the studios found her. This event has changed my focus from having to produce to being able to concentrate more and more on directing.
This brings me to the last 2 events. One was the addition of fellow LA Film School classmate and alumni Travis A Belgard whose talent, quiet laid back demeanor and general good attitude has been amazing. His abilities and knowledge with the plus of his equipment have brought us to a new level.
The last event happened during the shooting part of episode three of the webseries with Irving Martinez at helm as the director he pushed the boundries for us...creating a look with the lighting that I was not aware we had the current abilities to do. This of course both worried and excited Trina and I. The look was quite different from everything we shot thus far...but it looked beautiful. So, we did research and found a way to make it possible and work. Well, honestly the jury it still out on that. We will see- either way it forced us to do some cool things.

These four events, grew and stretched me further as a director then anything had since my graduation of LA Film School.
All of these puzzle pieces came together and proved that I am on the right track towards my ultimate goal in the last 48 hour film project I did for The Producers Guild of America. The film is called, "En Passant."

When all is said and done this could be the best project I have directed to date. While being judged, I cannot release this film to the general public but I am stoked with the final product- or at least the non directors cut version. The acting, the writing, the lighting all came together in what I hope to be a success to the judges eyes.
I cannot wait to be able to work with a lot of my longtime film crew cohorts with this new found confidence. For the first time I don't feel like a theater director armed with a camera, I have finally, FINALLY, turned that corner to film director.
Now, my next steps? Get my first feature under my belt to show indie film just how seriously I need to be taken as a director.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The difference between a hobbyist and a career focused filmmaker? the 25% rule.

What is the biggest difference between a hobbyist and a career oriented filmmaker? about 75%. No this is not some bad joke. This is, in my honest opinion, the truth.
I think the concept is simple, so I will keep the entry short:
Filmmaking is:
25% being on set and creating the piece. Hobbyist just do this. And agreed- this is by far the best part.
25% marketing yourself. With social media this is easier than ever. Market yourself online in FB and Twitter. Tell the world what you are doing, not in a bragging sense but more in a "FB is my blog" sense. Just let everyone that cares know what you are up to.
25% networking. That cliche of it is not what you know but who you know is more true than we wish it was. So, go out, network, make friends. Someone said to me once, "Ultimately people just want to work with their friends." So, when you meet someone new- try to have non business related interactions with them. And with FB and TWITTER it is easy as hell to keep up on a semi-regular basis.
25% practicing/studying/improving. We should always strive to get better. If you even think you don't need to be taught, can't improve anymore, are above taking classes or just simply don't think you should be trained anymore- get out of the business. Seriously. There is the door- now just leave. I really don't care how you improve, practice or study- whether it is a formal class or it is a book or it is you goofing off with your friends to make it. Just do it.
Well- there it is. My thoughts on filmmaking. Perhaps next I will write about the attitudes I take with me that get me from one project to the next?
25% rule,
social media
Monday, August 8, 2011
"Lost Heroes" Recap of our 48 hour film project
Lost Heroes Teaser from Mental Eclectic on Vimeo.
Well, I have to say this was my first personal experience with the 48 hour film project. I knew it was gonna be a challenge and a half. I knew I was gonna be tired. What I understood the most was that our team would have, hopefully, a viable project afterwards. Having seen our project, I like to think that this is EXACTLY what happened.
So, on Friday August 5th we met at my place and sent out one of our actors, Panther (aka PJ and Pericles), to pull our genre for us. Lo and behold, we got "superheroes," which excited us. So, we sat down and brainstormed an idea. As a director, I knew I wanted it to be an ensemble and some sort of new take on an overdone genre. We pulled off both thanks to the genius behind the keyboard, Read MacGuirtose, who busted out the first draft in 1.5 hours.
I am not going to give away the story--but here is what I will tell you: we got to shoot on an awesome broken down double decker bus. Since the moment I saw that thing--months ago--I wanted to shoot on it. Dreams really do come true? Er, I mean...

By the time we were as ready as we could be for Saturday's shoot, it was 3am. Call time? 7am. Can you say tired?
Despite early morning hiccups, our shoot went smoothly. 13hour day--not bad for very little pre-production.
After meeting for about a month, this was the first shoot the new generation of the Mentals' had together. I personally was incredibly excited. I looked forward to seeing this group of talent shoot, create, and pull-off this challenge. For better or worse, I knew once we were done, it would never be the same. Luckily, it went smoothly--people stepped it up--and the talent shined.
What I think I am most proud of is the fact that the general attitude that flowed around the set was, DO WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET IT DONE. Seriously? As a filmmaker how often do you honestly get a crew and cast with that attitude? No divas on our set. Amazing.
Our editor (he was also the star and executive producer) stayed up for 24 hours to finish this sucker. All of that after a long shoot day and only two hours of sleep the night before. How many times do we get to say that?
That is what I love about the 48: the concept of rushing to piece it together; you get it done. NO EXCUSES. You just get up and go. I have projects that are still in post--years later.
With that vent out of me, below are some links to play-by-plays of some of our tweets and uploads from set. And if you continue down you will see a playlist to some behind the scenes video and some pics to the project.

But first a clip from the movie:
The Director: http://twitter.com/#!/MentalEclectic
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Still living off of the shooting high. #48hrfp #mentals # LostHeroes
20 hours ago Favorite Reply Delete
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Home? Bed? Sleep? What? Must mean 48hr film project is over #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
22 hours ago
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Dropping off. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes (@ Cinescape) http://4sq.com/oEicxo
22 hours ago
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
In route to drop off. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/62popq
23 hours ago
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
RENDERING!!!! #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
We may be able to meet our self imposed 4pm deadline. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
@I am more delirious now then I was after being up for 24hrs #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
@Dear, PJ, Lindsey, Nico, you play villains well. Sincerely your loving director, Craig #48hrfp #Mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
@This is where we are at... #48hrfp #Mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/62jmdl
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
4.5 hours later #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/62jiei
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
I think being up for 24 hours to make a movie is enough for now. Yeah? C u in 4 hrs #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
For being up for almost 24hrs- creative juices are still flowing #48hrfp #LostHeroes
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Sleeeeeep??? There is no room for sleep in filmmaking. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Close to a rough cut. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Screw it. I am staying up. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes yfrog.com/gzueeduj
7 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Editing #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/62awlw
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Composing. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/62aw3l
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Getting it laid out. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/629o0q
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
I'm at Mental Eclectic Edit Bay w/ @evanpaulgreen http://4sq.com/ohRJ2g
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Food and off to join the editing process. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
It's amazing what a shower will do for you after 2 hours of sleep/shooting all day. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
I want to kill this airplane #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Freakingrooven. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/624s1j
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
You know the AD means business when she breaks out the Multi tool. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Let post begin. #48hrfp #LostHeroes #mentals http://twitpic.com/6247dt
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Meet clementine and morpheous. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/62147b
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
The Franetic Five #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/6212v8
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
9 shots left. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Take a look #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/61y7lf
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
And now an army if darkness reference that we hope shows up. #mentals #48hrfp #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Look for the Stan Lee reference. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Ready. Set. Go. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes http://twitpic.com/61vt0p
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
I'm at Mental Eclectic shooting the 48 hour film project (Los Angeles) http://4sq.com/nOzFLC
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Btw script is called #LostHeroes. #48hrfp #mentals
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Shot list done. Script broken down for actors. 4 hours till call time. #48hrfp #mentals #LostHeroes
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
I love our script. #48hrfp #mentals
6 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
"we are gonna shoot around your leg issues," #48hrfp #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
10:38pm update. Draft 1 almost done. #48hrfp #mentals http://twitpic.com/61oigy
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
10:35 pm and counting. draft 1 almost done. #48hrfp #mentals http://twitpic.com/61ohat
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Superhero, politician named Jenny or Jeremy north and "please tell me that is not what I think it is." #48hrfp #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
And we got superhero #48hrfp #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
PJ taking video at #48hrfp #mentals http://twitpic.com/61l3j3
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Uh oh. Composer and writer is having computer issues. #48hrfp #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
#mentals From PJ at #48hrfp kickoff on group A and we are in E, so probably another 20-30 mins
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
T-1hour... #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Good luck to @Arrrpad and @NathanWitte on their respective 48 hour teams tonight! #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
@MrScottyBaker Good luck to one of our own on an IE team! #mentals
5 Aug
@MentalEclectic Craig Wilson
Our people are checked in. *cross fingers* no period piece, western or musical. #mentals
The writer/composer http://twitter.com/#!/readmcg
@readmcg Read MacGuirtose
So, I've participated in #24HourComicDay, #NaNoWriMo, and now the 48 Hour Film Project (#48hrfp). I guess that's some sort of trifecta?
19 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply
@readmcg Read MacGuirtose
Less than 5 1/2 hours till the 48 hour films are due. (Our team's in good shape; we're basically done.) #48hrfp #mentals #lostheroes
7 Aug
@readmcg Read MacGuirtose
I think this may be my first time on set during the shooting of a film I`m not acting in. #24hrfp #mentals #lostheroes
6 Aug
@readmcg Read MacGuirtose
Kinda weird writing a script and then seeing it filmed 12 hours later... #48hrfp #mentals #lostheroes
An Executive Producer, actor who plays "Commodore" and the editor http://twitter.com/#!/Evanpaulgreen
@Evanpaulgreen Evan green
#mentals are done #24hrfp #lostheroes 2 1/2 hours early
7 Aug Favorite Retweet Reply
@Evanpaulgreen Evan green
Editing lost heroes has begun #mentals #lostheroes #24hrfp (@ Mental Eclectic Edit Bay) [pic]: http://4sq.com/obOhsN
6 Aug
@Evanpaulgreen Evan green
#mentals #lostheroes shoot is looking great time to start editing #48hrfp
6 Aug
@Evanpaulgreen Evan green
So tiiired but still truckin #metals #lostheroes #24hrfp
6 Aug
@Evanpaulgreen Evan green
Good morning! #mentals time to get back to #24hrfp
6 Aug
@Evanpaulgreen Evan green
First draft written on to rewrites #mentals #48hourfilm
If you are super curious- here is a documentation of our making of....
Here are some pics from the set...
Did this perk your curiosity? Then come see the project at the 48hr LA screenings. Here is our invite.
And last but not least, if you want more behind-the-scenes looks at our various projects and us, join our "Friends of the Mentals" Facebook Group page. You will experience a growing collection of all of our behind-the-scenes work. You will get to know our filmmakers, actors and writers. You will get to see who and what we are all about.
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